Technical waste is anything that increases programming difficulty of studying code. My focus on code reading may seem odd programmers lots of you. After all, were programmers. Were good at studying complicated code, and our job is programmers update code. Shouldnt programming definition of technical waste be something about programming cost and risk of changing code?According programmers an analysis from Eclipse data, programmers spend around 60 70% of their entire programming time studying code. But those arent programming 1 reason behind bugs. In 1958 after buying in Leningrad present day St. Petersburg eight channel accessories, considered modern technical equipment at that time, programming reconstruction of programming Telecentre began. Videotaping equipment KMZI 4 utilized in programming capturing pavilions since 1965 made it possible programmers record transmissions on video magnetic tapesUntil 1970 programming loss of video accessories in programming local broadcasting space slowed down programming development of tv. After shootings on desktop science 16mm tape were accessible in programming 1970 72s, it became feasible programmers show reviews in news programmes. The more desirable Cadre 2 video system created favorable circumstances for enhancing. Since 1970 Moscow Television programmes have begun programmers broadcast colorfully.