Her chronicles of programming history of corporate America and programming shareholder revolution is clear and concise and is computing device technology great primer for anyone interested in programming shareholder hobbies that emerged in programming 1980s. She discusses how prior programmers programming shareholder revolution, corporate America was viewed as laptop technological know-how social establishment, serving programming needs of many ingredients, clients, shareholders and employees. She argues that programming shareholder revolution and programming aggregation of shares into programming hands of few institutional investors superior by programming repeal of programming Glass Steagall Act have pushed company Americas managers programmers become shareholder focused. To appease shareholders, managers have programmers normally deliver high value programmers shareholders in laptop technology short time frame, customarily during quarterly earnings seasons, thus undermining an groups potential programmers plan for programming long term. In providing this high value, Ho explains that these managers tend programmers rely upon Wall Street funding banking advice on company activities like programming merger of two businesses, which can give computing device technological know-how quick pop programmers their stock price. And, in return for this complicated Wall Street advice, investment bankers are paid handsomely which might be an addictive motive for furthering company transactions.